So where does all our recycling go after we leave it at the recycling centre or the bottle bank? that is, for many 'recyclers' out there, the million dollar question... and not an easy one to answer.
That is one of the reasons I feel so pleased when I come across products in the shops that are a direct result of that collective act of faith which is going to the recycling centre. The odd time, I have found some very stylish recycled glassware manufactured in Spain in the local TK Maxx. They don't always have it in stock but I always look out for them. They are excellent quality, pretty and they'll make you feel the whole recycling process has come a full circle.
According to Repak, 106,629 tonnes of glass were collected in Ireland in 2010 and Rehab Glass Co estimates an Irish family uses an average of 500 glass jars and bottles each year. That is a hell of a lot of glass and an awful waste if it was all to go to landfill. Since glass is 100% recyclable and one of the easiest materials to recycle and reuse, our old bottles can be easily converted into a very useful raw material for new glass items, such as that beautiful glassware.
I have been trying to find manufacturers of recycled glassware in Ireland for a wedding present but haven't been very successful.
Instead, I have found some names of companies making and/or selling recycled glassware available in Ireland and the UK (via Amazon and in certain stores). Some of them melt the glass to build brand-new pieces with the material and others reuse bottles turning them into glassware with a bit of creativity and handycraft.
-traidcraft has fair trade recycled glassware made in Bolivia by Crisil and it is available on Amazon and its own online shop
-ecoware (made in the EU) has storage jars and other kitchenware made of recycled glass, available on Amazon
-Green Glass makes glasses out of beer and wine bottles
From Spain
-Grehom (UK company sourcing recycled glassware in Spain, available on Amazon and on their own website)
-La Mediterranea (selected shops)
-Jarapa (selected shops) - they also make rugs out of recycled cotton material.
From Mexico
In the US
-Recycled Glassware Co
If you have any more, let me know and I'll add them to the list.
This is one of the best project you can ever made. Creating a beautiful thing while helping our environment to improve.