Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cracking sloe gin trifle

I had a go at making a trifle this weekend. My first trifle ever. It didn't look pretty but it was delicious. Since we are going to Galicia for Christmas, I thought it would be a good idea to have an Irish or British dish as well. Looking at recipes online I found plenty of ideas, all of them different so I decided to go free style and use whatever I fancied.

We made plenty of sloe gin last year so that seemed like a good choice.
Also for the base, I bought Boudoir biscuits and assembled them with plenty of blackcurrant jam from the Gorey Farmers Market (I pasted them together as a boudoir jam sandwich). I bought a tin of peaches in grape juice and poured all the peaches (but 3 I left for decoration) over the biscuit and jam base. Then drizzled a good bit of slow gin.

I had homemade apple jelly in the cupboard so that was next in. At this stage it looked like a bit of a mess, not a sight of the tidy and even layers of shop-bought trifles. Then I made custard (one pint of milk) from powder and once it cooled off a bit, I poured over the messy base. Once the custard was cold I whipped cream (with a touch of sugar) and covered the top. I used the remaining peaches for decoration and sprinkled a bit of cocoa powder on top.

Because sloe gin has a very sweet taste and not particularly alcoholic, it went very well with the berries and the fruit.

I should have taken a shot but I just got too carried away... next time!